CultureMeter Results

Thank you for taking the CultureMeter Survey

Time to Take the Next Step

Now that we know where you are let's get you to where you want to be.  We dare you to make a change that will reinvent your organization.

Step 01

Leadership consulting and development to strengthen your tribe, outline your goals, and achieve them one by one

Our consulting engagements are designed around your needs. We help you envision a brighter future for your business, and then show you the steps to get there. Better yet, we climb that staircase with you through a combination of training, coaching, and consulting.

Your business is facing unique issues, which is why we don’t offer a one-size-fits-all plan. Together with your senior tribe, we determine what’s not working, why that is, and how we’re going to fix it.

Then we all roll up our sleeves and get to work. You may have worked with a leadership consultant before. We promise you, this is an experience like no other.

Step 02

One-on-one coaching that keeps you on track to change the world

You’re in charge of leading your organization to success, but even the best leaders need sound advice and sharp coaching to be their best self.

That’s where we come in. We offer the support you need, in whatever way you need it, so that you feel renewed in your skills and abilities to take your organization to the next stage.

We’re there in person, on the phone, and over email because we’ve got your back when it comes to making lasting change in your organization.

Step 03

Open-source tools designed to build inspiring leaders, motivated tribes, and engaged employees

If you’re looking for resources you and your tribe can leverage to better clarify your mission, vision, and goals, and determine your next steps, then head to our Tools to get started.

We provide you with self-assessments, videos, strategies, and templates you can implement right away.

Whether you’re at Level 1 or about to reach Level 5 in your culture, there are tools you can use to strengthen your leadership ability, your organization’s culture, and your business performance.

More About Your Score


5-9 Points

Stage One

Survey results in this range show signs of Stage One. Most people talk as though they are alienated from organizational concerns. When they cluster together, they form isolated gangs that operate by their own rules, often based on absolute loyalty to the group at the organization’s and/or other people’s expense. There are many people who socially alienated, never talking to anyone.


10-13 Points

Stage Two

Survey results in this range show signs of Stage Two. People talk as though they disconnected from organizational concerns, seeming to not care about what’s going on. They do the minimum to get by, showing almost no initiative or passion.


14-17 Points

Stage Three

Survey results in this range show signs of Stage Three. People engage in anything that’s going on, with energy and commitment, but when you listen closely, they talk mostly about themselves and focus on appearing smarter and better than others. They might say they’re focused on team concerns, but their actions show their interest is personal.


18-21 Points

Stage Four

Survey results in this range show signs of Stage Four, which means people probably regard you as a Tribal Leader. Teams are the norm, focused around shared values and a common purpose. Information moves freely throughout the group. People’s relationships are built on shared values.


22-25 Points

Stage Five

Survey results in this range show signs of Stage Five. Congratulations! You are a Tribal Leader on the verge of becoming a Tribal Elder—the most respected role in our society. Your tribe hardly ever refer to the competition, except to note how remarkable their culture is by comparison, and how far their results outstrip industry norms. The theme of communication is limitless potential, bounded only by imagination and group commitment.

Take the Next Step

Join Thousands of Business Owners Who Are Improving Their Culture Step-By-Step

We want to help you and your organization move to the next stage.